Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Sankranthi

It is that time of the year which is the most auspicious for the Andhra Community. It's in essence a harvest festival when the farmers celebrate for the harvest abundance.

It is a four day festival that begins with Bhogi. On Bhogi a bonfire is the major activity of the day. As kids we were anxious to create the bon fire. We would gather woods, leaves whatever that was waste in and around the house from weeks ahead of time. I am not sure if this is still a custom among the youth in present urban India.

The second day is the most important day and is known as Sankranthi or Pongal. The delicious Pongali or Paramannam is made with rice from the harvest. Also a special only on Sankranthi vegetable dish named 'Kalagoora' is made at our home. This vegetable curry is made of pumpkin, beans, red potato and other vegetables that are available in the season. Uttarayana Punnyakalam period begins with Sankranthi and the next six months are considered highly auspicious.

The third day of the festival is Kanuma and is considered the main festival in our Alla Family. On this day my mom would make boorelu, areselu and pongadalu - all traditional uttrandhra sweet items. Also today all the family gathers. The daughters and the son-in-laws visit the family with their kids. It's a tradition to give the daughter and son-in-law monetary and jewellry gifts.

The fourth and final day is referred as Mukkanuma. This marks the end of the festivities. I am not sure of any other significance of this day. I am sure there is one but cannot recollect it now.

Wish you all a Happy Sankranthi and wish you the abundance that life has to offer.

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